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Working Women And Men Celebrate Flexaway Invention

Did you know that the inventor of Flexaway System, Beverly Hannah was a working women in NYC? As a former head hunter for the Broadcast news industry, Beverly understood how the effects of aging were demoralizing, especially for those on camera. She saw many middle-aged job seekers get passed over because they appreared too "old" looking.

She set out to find an alternative to needles and surgery, a way to reverse the shrinking of the muscles of our lower face. She understood it was the muscles that were giving us the marionette lines, sagging sides of face, receding chin and puppeteer lines! She also knew that the muscles have "memory."

Beverly understood that the muscles or the scaffolding of the face had to be addressed. First, restore the muscle integrity of the face, then use sound skincare protocol. Good skincare makes the skin look great, but you will still have sagging and the effects of aging on the skin.

Along came FLEXAWAY! After years of testing and several protoypes. A US patent. Flexaway has now been around for 10 years!!! Beverly, we thank you for helping us firm up our lower face, prevent/erase puppeteer lines, reverse receding chin, lift cheeks and sides of face. Reduce accordion neck lines!. If you have read this far I have a secret for you: Use coupon code CD20 and go to our website and order yours today. See our Website go to Buy Now. Use the Paypal payment gateway And look ten years younger now.

Beverly's Protogee Tamara, three year Flexaway user. Can you guess her age and win a free flexaway.

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This product is protected by two U.S. patents. © 2015 Hanna Ibes, Inc All Rights Reserved


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