The Flexaway System is an additional exercise for the most recognizable part of your body, your face.

Results with 6 Weeks of Use

With men representing 30% of our customers, ranging anywhere from firemen to federal judges and most professions between, we have made our own study of what their No. 1 issue of concern so far as facial fitness might be. The answer by a wide margin was double chin.
The Flexaway System® has been designed to accomplish safe double chin reduction in the shortest time possible, without the ruinous side effects of so many other methods. New Advanced Bands are making the double chin and laugh lines vanish without waiting weeks to see results!

So what are you waiting for? You have the means at your fingertips so let's go right now! Start looking younger and more fit today!
It's not too late to become the man you wish to see in the mirror every morning! Seeing that younger looking man in the mirror will make your whole day so much more exciting and fun. See the independent study using Flexaway Facial Exerciser, know the results are independently proven.
Flexaway System Facial Exercise Device for Men

This product is protected by two U.S. patents. © 2015 Hanna Ibes, Inc All Rights Reserved